Refund and Returns Policy

Returns Policy

It’s important to us that you are satisfied with your purchase. If, for whatever reason, you are unhappy, please feel free to return it to us. We will give a full refund or exchange for any unused products in resalable condition returned to us within 30 days.

Non-faulty products

You may return products to your local TQ Auto Brain store or alternatively you will need to pay the cost of returning the item yourself.

Any returned products should be in their original packaging and in a re-sellable condition.

Faulty products

If a product’s faulty or defective, then return it to us in the condition you received it and we’ll arrange a refund or for a replacement product to be sent to you.

You can return products to your local TQ Auto Brain branch or alternatively we will organize a courier to collect the packaged faulty goods free of charge.

Prior to issuing any refund or replacement all faults will be verified, in the event that no fault be found the cost of the shipping will be deducted from your refund.

Returning products by mail

Please ensure that the product is packaged in such a way that it will not be damaged in transit.

Please send your returns to:



Returning products to store

If you bought a product from us in-store, please don’t feel that you must return it to the same store. If you do choose to return your purchase to one of our stores, then there is no need to fill out a returns form, simply bring back the product(s) along with your receipt as proof of purchase.

Refunds and replacements

All refunds will be processed and paid back to you via the original payment method within 14 days of receipt of the goods.

Replacements of faulty products will be sent out using the same shipping service as your original order once the fault has been verified and is subject to availability